Saturday, November 22, 2014

Military Chic

From khakis to camouflage to combat boots and shirts with epaulets on the shoulders, military style seems to be all the rage in Bangkok. While some of the accoutrements look like they came directly from Army surplus shops, most of the items are military-inspired. Considering how many Thais follow the latest trends, I'm wondering if this look is coming from the runways of Paris and New York, or whether it has something to do with the influence of the military junta currently running the country.    

Thursday, November 13, 2014

American Fever

The influence of American culture in Thailand is especially strong among a certain generation that grew up around American GI's who were here during the Vietnam War era. Many of these Thai baby boomers like to wear Levi's jeans, listen to songs by the Eagles, drink Coke, and smoke Marlboro cigarettes. Today, my cabby was even wearing a shirt with an American flag patch emblazoned on it. He told me that he once had the opportunity to go and work in the US, but he decided to stay in Thailand. He was afraid he would get homesick, and anyway, he told me that his brother moved to California and can send him anything he wants from the States.